This is the “normal” type of memory associated with a computer system. The most part of a computer’s memory is random access memory (RAM). Which is in the form of silicon chips? Program and data are always loaded into this memory. Random access memory is one in which the contents can always be overwritten. Secondly, the access memory time of any memory location is independent of the location address.
Ram |
Ram is mounted on the same board along with the CPU. Program instruction and data values are loaded in RAM. So if a computer has 64K memory, it will have 64 x 1024addressable locations. The data items stored in each location will be 32 bit and the address of each location will be 16 bit or 4 hexadecimal digits. Referring to our discussion of MAR and MBR in the previous section, the contents of MAR will be 16 bits and that of MBR will be 32 bits.
Ram is of two types:
1. Dynamic RAM
2. Static RAM
The static RAM is also designed that the electric charges do not read to be reinforces. The static RAM is up to ten times faster than dynamic RAM and is also more expensive.